Cos’è per me il coworking. Intervista a Davide Tagliapietra.
Davide è una persona gradevolissima e siamo felici di averlo con noi al Cowo. E’ stato il primo a fermarsi per un periodo prolungato (è qui da Aprile), dopo tutti questi mesi è veramente uno di noi.
Ogni tanto ci fa vedere le barche che sta progettando (disegna barche a vela da regata) e ci ritroviamo con la mascella cadente davanti al suo pc.
In questo breve video (neanche 4 minuti) racconta in sintesi cosa può significare il coworking per una giovane società come la sua.
(Il cellulare che inizia a squillare a un certo punto è il mio).
English trascription below.
First of all, what’s your job?
I design sailing boats, racing ones.
Great. What’s your organization?
We are a small company with two offices, one here in Milano, since April, and the other one in Amsterdam, where my partner is.
How does coworking work for you?
It gives me the chance to have a very flexible work situation, fully serviced.
A place where I can work quietly. always connected to the web and also connected to other people.In this respect, how did it feel for you to work side by side with professionals with a different background?
Very interesting. Up to now I’ve always worked with other engineers, and it always ended up talking about the same stuff, sometimes boring.
In a coworking situation one gets the chance to interact with people totally different. It’s fun to share your office with a novel writer, or an internet pro… different worlds, very interesting.Is such a company making your working days more interesting, or would you rather sit in your own, private office?
No, I’m very happy, actually. I think that for a small start-up it’s a good opportunity to have a coworking space, a less flexible situation would not have been good for me.
Coworking gave me the flexibility I need, also the freedom to renew my staying month by month, adapting to my needs, eventually involving other people in the company (within the cowo).
Such a flexibility isn’t easy to find, other than coworking.As to interaction with your business partner, in Amsterdam?
We work with Skype, always in touch, with earphones, triyng not to disturb other people here.
We haven’t mentioned your company’s name…
It’s ST Yachts, in the internet:
Thanks a lot Davide!